
company introduction

Hi, this is Flowork CEO
Hyunjun Kim.

Armed with a breakthrough techonology, “2-Dimensional Transient Fluid Analysis”, Flowork provides system-level solutions for pipe network design and operation/management.

“2-Dimensional Transient Fluid Analysis” delivers not only accurate but also faster simulation results than early generation simulation methodologies for fluid dynamics

Priorities on saftey and efficiency

Pipes are infrastructure essential for humans

Whether it is fresh water for drinking, oil for industrial usuage or gas for residential heating, piping systems have served as fundamental infrastrucutre for decades.

However, in recent years, depreciation and erosion of old pipes have escalated pipe-related incidents such as bursts, cracks, leakages and etc.

The problem is that even a miniscule pipe incident can cause serious safety/economic/environmental failures, which in worst case, take human lives.

Climate change demands higher
ESG standards than ever

Environmental regulations on infrastructure including pipe systems are tightening

Pipe system safety and efficiency standards are becoming more stringent along with global green investment boom

Through “2-Dimensional Transient Fluid Analysis”
Flowork simulates pipe network operation and provides system-level solutions for pipe network incident prevention.

Through accurate and speedy flow analysis, we will build environmentally friendly standards for pipe network design, operation and management.

Eco friendly